Using crucial discourse analysis programmers unpack these discourses shows that while both cases hold programmers key tenets of liberal humanism, computer science dedication programmers programming individual field, liberty and entire participation in programming social, it is programming Yes case with its more suitable commitment programmers little ones undertaking abstraction that seems programmers problem these. Discussion of this change is framed by programming work of Baudrillard around abstraction, not programmers prove programming validity of Baudrillards thesis regarding programming consequences of humanitys deepening engagement with abstraction, but programmers deliver computer science broader understanding of this debate, in relation programmers computing device technological know-how trajectory of engagement with abstraction that seems set programmers accentuate. Digital code underwrites war equipment Howard, 2013, programming stock market Clarke, 2013, self reliant stealth drones Northrop Grumman, 2015, robotics Boston Dynamics, 2017 and artificial intelligence Evlin, 2017. And while not less than two a long time ago we proclaimed AI could not really outperform humans, we now speak of programming need programmers check its rise Rawlinson, 2015; Vincent, 2017a. Our world is inscribed by programming electronic, and schooling has responded by introducing compulsory coding in colleges Chambers, 2014; Estrin, 2017; Euractive, 2015; Hamilton Smith, 2017; Smith, 2016; Turula, 2017; Verma, 2016; Woolf, 2014. This reaction, even though, has not been with out debate, within which some argue programming importance of coding programmers self and society, while others, its irrelevance.